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GD200 Variable Frequency Drive User Manual


1.1 Overview

The GD200 Variable Frequency Drive is a high-performance, reliable and easy-to-use device designed for controlling the speed of AC motors. With advanced technology and features, it is suitable for a wide range of applications including pumps, fans, conveyors, and other industrial machinery.

1.2 Safety Precautions

Before installing or operating the GD200 Variable Frequency Drive, please read the safety precautions carefully. Failure to follow these instructions may result in injury or damage to the device.


2.1 Environment Requirements

The GD200 Variable Frequency Drive should be installed in a dry, well-ventilated area with a temperature range of -10°C to 50°C. The device should be mounted on a flat surface and securely fastened.

2.2 Electrical Connections

The electrical connections should be made by a qualified electrician in accordance with the instructions provided in the manual. The power supply and motor cables should be connected to the appropriate terminals on the drive.


3.1 Basic Operation

The GD200 Variable Frequency Drive is easy to operate. The user can set the desired speed and other parameters using the keypad on the front panel. The drive will then adjust the output frequency to control the motor speed.

3.2 Parameter Settings

The GD200 Variable Frequency Drive has a wide range of parameters that can be adjusted to suit different applications. These include acceleration and deceleration times, maximum and minimum frequency,888棋牌 and overload protection. The user can access these parameters through the keypad and LCD display.


4.1 Fault Diagnosis

In the event of a fault, the GD200 Variable Frequency Drive will display an error code on the LCD display. The user can refer to the manual to identify the cause of the fault and take appropriate action.

4.2 Maintenance

Regular maintenance of the GD200 Variable Frequency Drive is recommended to ensure reliable operation. This includes cleaning the device, checking the electrical connections, and replacing any worn or damaged parts.


5.1 Technical Specifications

The GD200 Variable Frequency Drive has a range of technical specifications including input voltage, output frequency, and power rating. These specifications should be checked before installation to ensure compatibility with the motor and power supply.

5.2 Wiring Diagram

The wiring diagram for the GD200 Variable Frequency Drive is provided in the manual. The user should follow this diagram carefully when making electrical connections.


6.1 Summary

The GD200 Variable Frequency Drive is a high-performance device designed for controlling the speed of AC motors. With advanced technology and features, it is suitable for a wide range of applications.

6.2 Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about the GD200 Variable Frequency Drive, please contact our technical support team for assistance. Contact information is provided in the manual.



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